Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization

Well colonised plants are more resistant to disease and environmental stresses like drought, salinity, pollution.

Mycorrhizal effectively extend the root system.

Improves resistance to disease like phytophthora and Armillaria. Improves fruit taste, dry matter and shelf life. Basically the plants nutrition is greatly improved.

What does Mycorrhizal fungi do and why is it so important.

  • Why Mycorrhizal is important?
  • How it gets damaged
  • What Air8tors are doing about it
  • How it effects dry-matter

We have always known that the best way to get Mycorrhizal fungi estblished is to get the native species growing without using foreigners to do it. Unfortunately we haven’t seen anyone do this and we have been using imported fungi although they are only species that have been identified here anyway. We know that our brew works because some of the ingredients are essential for Mycorrhizal fungi growth. With this in mind we are now doing trials to see if we can get existing fungi to multiply to the necessary levels without introducing any mycorrhizal.We have now started trials on this and we should have some results in a very short time.

The reason for this study is that Australian research has shown that some fertilizers made Mcyorrhizal grow by 400% in 48 hours when the initial colonisation was minimal. As we are now using soilm8 in all our brews (we have Organic Certified Soilm8). We developed this to reduce our reliance on Imported products and it is always better to employ Native microbiology.

I know this is the same as what Bio-start claims to do. The trial we did in Kumeu (mentioned in our last news letter) had Bio start applied to the other side without our knowledge. I know Bio Start has been shown to work at stimulating Mycorrhizal so we are now looking at why ours is so much better on this particular trial.

One of the scenario’s is that our brew could have stimulated the bugs better than the bio-start so we are now looking at more trials with another combination that doesn’t include the inoculum of Mycorrhizal.

Did you Know? Mycorrhizal is sensitive to phosphates. Ideal conditions for it are 37ppm and over 70-100ppm becomes toxic to it and makes it close down. This restricts the flow of nutrients into the plant. It has been shown to reduce its diameter and structure. People say Mycorrhizal is very fickle and perhaps this is why! It has also been shown that if phosphorous is low it can still provide more than enough to the plant.

Mycorrhiza fungi develops a network of microscopic filaments (hyphae) in the soil and when they come into contact with roots they thread their way between and into the cells of plant roots. There an exchange of nutrients takes place that allows for the survival and growth of both plants and fungi. The wide dispersion of the fungi fillaments (hyphae) in the soil gives the fungi access to a volume of soil, up to 1500% larger than the root system. The plant in return furnishes nutrients such as sugars and amino acids to the fungi to support its life and growth.

The well-colonized plants are better nourished and more resistant to transplant shock and develop increased protection against environmental stresses including drought, cold, salinity and pollution. The relationship between the plant and the fungi also tends to reduce the incidence of root diseases i.e. (armillaria, phytophthora) and minimize the harmful effects of certain pathogens. The symbiotic relationship between plants and Mycorrhiza fungi results in sustained fertility and vigor of colonized plants and often results in improved resistance to diseases, higher yields, better flavor, lower spoilage rates and less attraction to destructive insects. This symbiotic relationship allows plants to uptake as much as ten times more nutrients than their roots alone.

Note; Mycorrhizal fungi is particularly sensitive to phosphate fertilizers and certain fungicides. Once plants are responding to Mycorrhiza it is recommended that a compost tea be applied to the surface. This supplies microbes as well as some nutrients that Mycorrhiza feed to the plants.

It is not natural for most plants to exist without the assistance of Mycorrhiza in their root system and their absence forces the grower to continually feed the plants. This is a needless waste if time and money and over supply of artificial fertilizers will eventually destroy the biological health of the soil.

Periodic or annual reapplication of Mycorrhizal fungi is recommended to maintain peak performance for your plants. Compost and compost teas should be used to replenish needed micronutrients and organics that the Mycorrhiza and microbes need in order to feed the plants.

It is highly probable that Mycorrhizal fungi colonization will achieve a significantly reduced expenditure on fungicides, pesticides and use of fertilizers. Care should be taken when selecting products to enhance and replenish soil nutrients that don’t damage the Mycorrhiza fungi.

Mycorrhizal fungi are not seasonally dependent or limited in application or usage – apply anytime spring, summer, or autumn even winter if the ground is not frozen!

Mycorrhiza fungi enhance plant root development, vitality, vigor, growth and quality through improved organic methods and aids in soil conditioning